Hlo everyone welcome back again and today I am going to tell you all
some applications that are so much useful in today’s life . All the
applications are listed below –
1. Phone password changer –
We all have to apply passwords on our phone but if someone sees us unlocking our phone then he comes to know password . If we forgot our password then it is a big issue which creates a problem . Now here is an application which changes password of your phone . Here is how this application works . This application changes password of your phone according to time displayed on your phone . If the time on your phone will be 2:20 then password will be 2220 , the first numeral number will come 2 times . Now if the time will be 10:12 then password will be 1012 . But you should not tell about this app to anyone otherwise your can be opened by anyone .
2. Glance –
This application is very useful for those who did not have enough time to see news and to read daily updates . This application is available on both Play store and App store . When you will allow permissions to this application then this application will be able to change your wallpaper and boom! Now you need to choose your interest in this app’s settings after that it will display lock screen wallpapers according to your interest it will simply display news like – Games , Sports , Health , News ,etc.
3. Pc Remote –
This application helps you to connect your pc and mobile with WI-FI , USB Cable , Bluetooth , etc. You need to download this application on your mobile and PC both . After connecting both of your devices you will have many options like – moving of files from pc to mobile or mobile to pc , playing games on pc using mobile , using mobile as a mouse and keyboard , screen mirroring etc. So i hope that this application will also be helpful for you .
So thanks guys this was
only for today and I hope that this information will be helpful for you . If
you have any queries then you can comment below and you can contact me on my
gmail – .