How Much Money did Pubg Mobile and Tencent loses after Pubg ban in India ? || In one day only how much they lose ||
Welcome back everyone after Government has announced a ban on Pubg in India there is a thunderstorm on Youtube , Google . Everyone is searching for Pubg Mobile ban in India . Even the news of Ban of Pubg was announced yesterday and on yesterday only there were 5 million+ searches on google related to ban of Pubg Mobile in India .
This was that how Pubg ban in India impacted on Internet but now let's talk about how much Tencent loses after ban of Pubg in India . News given by Inshort application is that -
Tencent lses $14 in market value after India banned its PUBG Mobile about two months after it banned the Chinese tech giant's WeChat messaging app . Tencent shares fell 2% on Thursday , snapping two straight sessions of gain . India is Pubg Mobile's biggest market , accounting for roughly 175 million installs , or 24% of the total , apps analytics firm Sensor Tower said ..
Alas ; a huge loss 😱😱