What is VoLTE?
What is Wi-Fi calling? Internet is becoming advanced day by day and new technology is being introduced every day in the world. We all must have heard of LTE (Long Term Evolution). It is the technology that is being used in 4G devices to improve the voice quality while on call. LTE sends a large packet of data to internet servers every second. LTE is also known as VoLTE. VoLTE uses a more advanced LTE network while calling instead of an older wireless network. VoLTE provides much better voice quality while on call and also provides a better internet speed and connection.
What is VoWiFi?
VoWiFi is another name for Wi-Fi Calling. As the name WiFi Calling tells us what is the use of this function. Wi-Fi Calling can be used to make calls and receive text messages over a Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi calling can be used to increase the network coverage on a device. Wi-Fi can also be used to increase the voice quality of a call. Wi-Fi calling is a good concept for areas where Wi-Fi is available but Mobile network coverage is normal or poor. Normally Wi-Fi calling is used to boost the voice quality of a voice call.
How Wi-Fi Calling works?
Wi-Fi calling works with a very simple method. To understand the working of Wi-Fi Calling we need to understand how a normal voice call works. While ongoing of a normal voice call there are three objects.
eg- Dialer--tower--Reciever.
Now Dialer is the person who started or created the call connection, a receiver is a person who is receiving the call and between both dialer and receiver, there is a tower that is maintaining the connection. Whenever the dialer speaks then the voice goes to the receiver through the tower and the same is with the receiver. But in Wi-Fi calling this concept is a little changed.
Just imagine that the dialer is not connected to Wi-Fi and the receiver is connected to a Wi-Fi then the voice of the dialer will come to the receiver through the tower but the voice of the receiver will reach the dialer through the server of Wi-Fi and not through the tower.
Is Wi-Fi calling free? Do we require an active sim plan to make a call using Wi-Fi Calling?
No, Wi-Fi calling is not free. In India, only 2 companies that have launched Wi-Fi Calling are Airtel and Jio. You require an active sim plan to make or receive a call using Wi-Fi Calling. Wi-Fi Calling can not be used to make calls without any active sim plan.
Is WiFi Calling useful?
Yes, Wi-Fi calling is very useful in those areas where mobile network connection is poor. Wi-Fi calling works with a very simple method. To understand the working of Wi-Fi Calling we need to understand how a normal voice call works. While ongoing of a normal voice call there are three objects.
eg- Dialer--tower--Reciever.
Now Dialer is the person who started or created the call connection, a receiver is a person who is receiving the call and between both dialer and receiver, there is a tower that is maintaining the connection. Whenever the dialer speaks then the voice goes to the receiver through the tower and the same is with the receiver. But in Wi-Fi calling this concept is a little changed. what is wifi calling in samsung.
Just imagine that the dialer is not connected to Wi-Fi and the receiver is connected to a Wi-Fi then the voice of the dialer will come to the receiver through the tower but the voice of the receiver will reach the dialer through the server of Wi-Fi and not through the tower.