Sound Charging | Xiaomi Sound charging | Charge your device with sound | What is sound charging ? | Can we charge device through sound ? | Amaz Anics



Sound Charging
. Xiaomi a Chinese smartphone maker company has introduced something new . Xiaomi has developed a technology that allows smartphones and other devices charge through sound . It converts the vibration from sound to alternative current , which is converted to Dc power changing smartphones .

What is Sound charging ?

Xiaomi Sound charging . Here we are talking about a technology which will charge our phone or device with sound . Technology used in Sound Charging will convert sound energy into electrical energy . Till now the speakers of phone converts electrical energy into sound but here the concept is totally opposite . Seriously this thing is going to be very crazy . Till now no any live test has run related to sound charging but the company says that they are working on it .

What is Air-charging ?

Air charging is also a type of charging technology which will charge your device without any charging accessories . In air charging we will be given a box which will charge our mobile and other devices by air . Radius of this box will be of one room . Still it supports only 5 watt of charging but every company is working on it to make it better .
detailed information about Air charging - Click here  .

Is Air charging and Sound charging similar ?

No, Air charging charges a phone with the given box , whether the Sound charging charges the device through sound .

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