PUBG MOBILE new update Patch Notes | Battleground Mobile India New Features | PUBG MOBILE new update best features | Pubg Mobile new features |


Battleground Mobile India new features . Awesome new features which will come in new Battleground Mobile India ( BGMI ) .

  • Brand New Air Conveyor launcher -

Players will get this new Air launcher in new mode of PUBG MOBILE . This Air launcher will be on whole Erangel map . By going near to these Air launcher we just need to click on launch and that's it we can make our character fly in the direction we want . Players can fly too much far with this air launcher . Air launcher will be similar as launchers which we get in cheer park and earlier anniversary mode .

  • Anti-Gravity Motorbike -

Players will get this new Anti-Gravity Motor Cycle or Motorbike in new mode of PUBG MOBILE and Battleground Mobile India . This is a new type of Motorbike which we will see in both BGMI and PUBG MOBILE . This motorbike will run much fast as an ordinary motorbike . This motorbike will have different design from ordinary motorbike and it will also not have any wheels . This bike can run on both land and water but it's speed will be slowed by entering water .

  • New Warehouse with metal doors -
After Update players will see brand new Warehouses in new mode and these warehouse will have metal doors . Whenever anyone tries to damage these doors then a beep alarm will be enabled inside the warehouse . We can also get amazing loot inside these Warehouses and it can also be used to camp inside . These warehouses will be best for rank pushers . 
  • M249 will no longer a drop weapon -

The weapon which has 150 ammo capacity in one mag is the one and only M249 machine gun . Till this gun was a drop weapon , we can get this gun only in sir and flare drops till now but from new update it will no longer in air drops . We can find this weapon by looting places . Pubg will be introducing a new Machine gun .
  • Deployable Shield -
We will get a shield which we can deploy anywhere . If we are taking fight in open then we can make a tough cover for ourself .
So these were the all new main features for BGMI , Battleground Mobile India , PUBG India , PUBG MOBILE .

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