The Best way to get Character Voucher , RP Point Card and skins and Outfits for free | New event in Pubg Mobile is Awesome | Get free character vouchers |
Hi everyone welcome back here and we all know that Halloween is Coming Up and every year Pubg Mobile takes a new event in game in time of Halloween so this time also Pubg Mobile has a new event based on Halloween . This event is going to be most precious for those players which need Outfits , Character Voucher and RP Point card .
So let's come back to the point .According to me this is the best event ever because in this event we can get character voucher and RP Point card for free and main thing is that we can also get an Outfit and a skin of Uzi which is in creates for free . Now let me tell you all that what you all need to do .
The steps to get all things are given below -
- Doing Missions - Firstly you need to go to the event and you need to click on GO . After clicking on GO we see many missions there you need to do all that missions . After doing those missions you need to collect all the Lollipops .
- Getting Lollipops when Offline - The next step is to click on Receive after clicking on it you will get some Lollipops . There will be an arrow on upside of receive . We need to click on that arrow and then it will ask for spending Silver Fragments . After clicking on OK the capacity of bowl will be increased by 50 . You all need to increase it upto 200 so your Lollipops will get increased automatically even when you will be offline.
- Inviting Friends - Firstly you need to Unlock a room of Lollipops every room has it's own capacity . After Unlocking a room we need to invite our friends . When friends will join our room then we will get those ghosts and we will get everything of those ghosts only except that outfit and UZI .
- Leveling Up - Next step is to level up . As we see in upper given image that we need to make our Level Higher for things . And can only be increased with Lollipops .
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