How to get Pubg Mobile Red Commander set for free.

Get Red Commander Set totally free...

You all have seen this season royal pass which is totally outstanding but when leak images was there we all were thinking that there will be choice in both Mythic sets but now season is released so we all know that there is no option between both mythic . Red commander set has been put in redeem section of Royal Pass where players can redeem it for 4800 RP points which is so high as compared to earlier royal pass redeem outfit which was of 2800 RP points only but now also we all can get it for free . If you don't know that which set i am talking about then you can see it in below given image.

But all of you now also have chance to open this set for free all you need to do that you need to play bonus chalenge and need to earn between 400 to 1000 points daily in this challenge.If you able to do it daily then until season end you will have enough points that you can open this Red Commander Set.
And you all need to do 100 RP also it is essential because without 100 Rp you cannot get it .
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